Expert Guidance for Top-Tier College Admissions and Rewarding Careers

As a parent, you know that the college admissions process can be daunting, stressful, and time-consuming. You want the best for your child, and you understand that the right college and career path can open doors to a successful and fulfilling future. That’s where College Career Results comes in. Since 2009, their expert team has been helping high-achieving teens and their relieved, happy parents navigate the complexities of college admissions to secure a spot at top-tier institutions across the United States.

Their proven marketing and PR expertise will empower your teen to effectively present themselves to prestigious schools such as Harvey Mudd, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, Cal Poly, Northeastern, Santa Clara University, Tulane, University of Washington, and University of Michigan, to name a few. Their ultimate goal is to hear those three thrilling words from your college-bound teen:  ” I Got Accepted!”.

At College Career Results, they offer more than just admissions assistance. Their comprehensive approach ensures that your teen is not only accepted into their dream school but also embarks on a college major that promises a well-paying career upon graduation. 

Their expert guidance will help:

Cut through the college admissions “chatter” and marketing hype, enabling you to make informed decisions regarding the significant investment in your child’s education.

Encourage your teen’s enthusiasm for college, allowing them to be fully prepared while still enjoying their teenage years – and giving you the peace of mind to focus on being a supportive parent rather than a “nag.”

Bypass the admissions drama with a results-oriented game plan tailored to your teen’s unique strengths and aspirations, maximizing their chances of acceptance at their top-choice schools.

Receive comprehensive admissions support that goes far beyond the limited assistance offered by high school counselors, ensuring your teen has the best chance of securing a spot at a top-tier institution.

Identify the most generous schools for financial aid, giving you a clear understanding of the resources available before you even begin the application process or sign a tuition check.

Their programs are designed to guide you and your teens through the college admissions process with confidence, ensuring they have the best college experience that you always dreamed for them. Trust College Career Results to unlock your child’s full potential and pave the way to a bright and rewarding future. 

To Learn More, call 949.636.9055
Elizabeth Venturini